
We have many reviews from our satisfied clients.

It’s always a joy to hear that the work we do has positively impacted our clients and that they are happy to share their experiences.

"Our HVAC and plumbing business has been relying on Live Support Rep for several months now, and the experience has been largely positive. While there have been occasional hiccups in communication and understanding specific technical issues, overall, their team has been responsive and helpful. They've assisted in managing customer inquiries efficiently, especially during peak seasons. With a bit more fine-tuning, they could become an indispensable part of our customer service strategy."

Kathleen Smith

"LSR has been a mixed bag for our IT company. On one hand, their agents are generally quick to respond and polite, which is appreciated by our clients. However, there have been instances where their understanding of complex technical issues fell short, leading to longer resolution times. With better training and perhaps more specialized agents, they could become a more reliable extension of our helpdesk support."

Van Hunter

"Live Support Rep has been a game-changer for our legal practice. Their team understands the importance of confidentiality and professionalism in our field. They handle client inquiries with tact and precision, ensuring every interaction reflects positively on our firm. With LSR managing our phone calls and appointments, we can focus on delivering high-quality legal services to our clients."

Macquarie Telecom

"LSR has revolutionized our customer service operations. Their team provides round-the-clock support to our customers, ensuring no inquiry goes unanswered. They're friendly, knowledgeable, and go above and beyond to resolve issues promptly. With livesupportrep handling our customer service, we've seen a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and loyalty. They truly understand the importance of putting the customer first. "

Fred L Smith

"Live Support Rep has been a decent addition to our real estate business. While their agents are generally courteous and helpful, there have been instances where their knowledge of specific properties or local regulations was lacking. This has sometimes led to frustration on the part of our clients. However, their assistance in managing appointments and general inquiries has lightened our workload considerably."

Carolyn Smith

"Our small business has benefited from livesupportrep services, although there have been challenges along the way. Their team has been helpful in managing customer inquiries, but there have been instances of miscommunication and delayed responses. With clearer guidelines and perhaps more personalized training on our business processes, they could provide an even better level of support."

Pamela Johnson